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Feb 25, 2020

We didn’t get the hashtag 'midwife life' for nothing.  In this episode we’ll share some of what makes our lives so interesting, challenging, and hilarious.


Feb 18, 2020

Sarah and Charli talk about what they've learned over the years about how to maximize postpartum success, including what to do prenatally, how to set up your life, and what expectations to have. Spoiler alert: it's all harder without paid family leave! 


'Build Your Nest' by Kestrel Gates -

Feb 11, 2020

Listen to professional doula, Kathy McLean, discuss her experiences with supporting people at home.  Kathy shares about the skills of midwives and about the nurturing environment of homebirth.  Kathy supports families giving birth in The Columbia River Gorge and in the Portland area. 

Learn more about her here:

Feb 4, 2020

Charli and Sarah talk about delayed cord clamping and waiting until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsing to cut it, including why it matters and how midwives approach the cord and the mama-baby dyad. 
